locatie instelling altijd op actief om locatie functies etc te kunnen gebruiken
MeerApp houdt volgens iPhone locatie bij wanneer t is ingesteld op altijd, ondanks dat app niet wordt gebruikt. Als t is ingesteld op alleen bij gebruik, werkt locatie functies van de app niet, ondanks dat de app actief is
1door Anoniem03/02/2025Gewicht goed - aantal passen slecht
MeerIk heb de weegschaal gekocht om dagelijks mijn gewicht te volgen zodat ik lange termijn trend zie. Dat werkt perfect en vraagt alleen mijn discipline om ‘s ochtends er even op te staan. Echter de App wil je meer info geven en het aantal passen gelopen klopt totaal niet. Ik fiets veel met een wieler groep aan 28 km per uur. De rest van die dagen loop ik bijna niet. Vervolgens toont hij die dagen toch tot wel 10.000 passen. Rondom slecht, omdat ik dan ook geen echt overzicht krijg van mijn loop activiteiten.
3door Joh*****01/02/2025Meh, graphs still angrymakingly awful
MeerThe way graphs snap to rounded periods like month, quarter, half year and such is very annoying. Why not let me scroll and zoom how I like? As an engineer it offends me that someone wrote code to make things worse. And, on iPad, "explore in Full Screen" opens a window less than half the screen, smaller than the graph that is already there. Ugh.
2door Iar*******28/01/20257 years of data lost?
MeerWhat’s going on? Who’s in charge?
Again a new interface and missing personal data. I weigh myself and want to check that data. Not possible. All types of other algorithmic data is provided, which is incorrect (walking, steps, HR, I don’t measure this…). I bought a scale to monitor weight. Last measurements for me are from 6 months ago. Other family members also date back to 5-7 months ago… bizarre.
Second thing. After years of using the app, now I can’t get to my family members history in the app. Also not possible to or add new info. Only my data and not the others. Can’t believe how bad they are. Withings somehow has automatically changed their birthdays and I can’t correct the birthday date, as I’m told my kids are too young (under 18) and I have to change their birth date. The upshot would be that I can only register my kids now as adults with false birthdays. But that would defeat the purpose of the app, by entering wrong ages as age relates to health status. While I light be able to register them again, I’d probably have to delete the user and 7 years of data… how careless and crass.
I have reached out to support but they couldn’t fix.
I have a simple questions. Can you please let me enter the correct dates of my family’s birthdays.
Can the app allow one to select what data is displayed? Now I first see something about the length of the Danube river (really),and about Boeing 707 (also really)… who ever thought of this?1door Sau******14/01/2025NOT GOOD APP
1door Ece****14/01/2025Data and money hungry company
MeerAfter buying an expensive BPM Core device, I'm unable to add multiple users for my family
The Family section has been removed from the App
The article explaining how to setup multiple users is blocked and showing 'You're not authorized to access this page'. Explain this madness
When not connected the article just redirect to connection page
This company is clearly focused on selling subscription and extorting money from its users rather than providing value1door 1m1**11/01/2025Much better again with update 7.2.1!
MeerSo glad I updated my Withings app to 7.2.1 now! I can calibrate the dials again and the number of steps on my phone corresponds again to the number of steps on my watch! And the power percentage is shown correcty in the app as well. Thanks for making this new update. All the issues in the original recension have been solved!
Original was: since the last software upgrade it takes very long for the app to connect to my watch. Exercise and sleep data typically only appear 4 or five hours later. And it is no longer possible to calibrate the dials on my Steel HR. And also: the power percentage of my Watch is 100%, but the app keeps showing 68%. Very annoying now!4door Zeu*******11/01/2025Last update issues
MeerSince last update can no longer add more than one alarm, and on top of it can not set time as the app gets stuck on the “Connected to your Steel HR” screen. Looks like a big hairy bug to me. Tried everything in the KB without success. Please fix or rollback changes.
2door Lre****08/01/2025Great app, needs more workout data
MeerGreat app for health, with good integration with Apple health. Also great that the app supports live activities.
Could be better by adding more workout data and have rings (like Apple). Also an integration with iFIT would be nice. HIIT workouts are not supported, please add!3door Jer*******08/01/2025Na update geen vetpercentage meer
MeerKennelijk vond Withings het tijd dat ik mijn goed werkende weegschaal ging vervangen want op een gegeven moment, na een app update, kwam alleen nog gewicht door en geen vetpercentage meer. Je betaalt fors, maar bent dus alleen eigenaar van de -zonder software ondersteuning- nutteloze hardware.
Nieuwe weegschaal deed het ook weer even om vervolgens helemaal nooit meer data door te geven naar de app. De weegschaal onthoud wel gegevens, dus je kan het binnenhalen als je steeds weer handmatig opnieuw verbindt met Bluetooth met je hand op de knop van de weegschaal.
Daarom geen nieuwe weegschaal van Withings meer voor mij. Of enig ander Withings product dat niet ook stand alone is te gebruiken.1door Bel*******07/01/2025Version 7.2.0 is bad
MeerAfter updating app to v7.2.0 having lots of problems, not able to set alarm. Tried to reset but now my watch will not connect anymore can’t use my watch!
(Apple)1door Hbe****06/01/2025Lees good now
MeerSince the last software upgrade it takes very long for the app to connect to my watch. Exercise and sleep data typically only appear 4 or five hours kater. And it is no longer possible to valibrtae the disls
2door Zeu*******06/01/2025Alarm is not working good
Meerhello since the last update i can only set 1 alarm per day. why is that? i use my watch to take my medication on time and unfortunately that is not longer possible. can you fix this for me?
5door Von*****06/01/2025No longer happy
MeerThe updates to the app have not been improvements and to top it off the scale now refuses to connect to the app. Nothing works, reconnecting with the app, rebooting.
1door Sto*******03/01/2025Spams you
MeerJust sent me a push notification even though I used their settings to completely opted out. Please respect your users.
1door Tho*******02/01/2025Weinig toegevoegde waarde
MeerHeb de app nu enkele maanden, maar wat ik ook probeer, de weegschaal geeft geen metingen door naar de app ondanks dat deze dmv koppelcode gekoppeld is aan iPhone 16+
2door Mar*****29/12/2024Verdwenen opties van de weegschaal
MeerMijn vrouw krijgt meer gegevens bijv: 1 kg afgevallen bij mij is dat verdwenen wat moet ik doen om opties krijgen op de weegschaal
4door Old*******28/12/2024Total of walks per day incorrect
MeerAll walks of a single day are registred, but the main screen does not show the total daily amount.
4door Sal*******16/12/2024
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