Not as good anymore…
MeerUsed to be brilliant, now the eraser functionality is terrible. It’s not a proper drawing app anymore. Please give the option to use the eraser to erase ink instead of only strokes.
2door Fea*****17/05/2022Instabiel
MeerDoor 1 van de recentere updates van deze apps chrashed mijn iPad pro (model 2021) volledig bij gebruik van deze app. Dit bij herhaling. Om de iPad pro weer te gebruiken is een hard reset nodig. App succesvol verwijderd van iPad. Dat weer wel.
1door Pau****29/04/2022Niet mee te werken
MeerOp iPad met gebruik van pen gaat de canvas alle kanten op. De terug knop om dingen ongedaan te maken werkt vaker niet dan wel. Waardeloos.
1door Bar****11/02/2022Worst update ever
MeerMS whiteboard wasnt perfect, but it sort of functioned. However, this new version is horrible. Your canvas keeps on moving when drawing/writing, and the select and move functionality doesnt work, same goes for the eraser tool. Please fix or revert this update. I cannot use the tool as is (and will have to move on to other solutions of this doesnt get fixed soon)
1door Use******14/12/2021Awful palm rejection
MeerWhen using with Apple Pencil the palm rejection is awful. Rejection works well if your not moving your palm around. However, every time you shift your palm, for instance to change line, the cavas jumps to the location of palm touch
2door Shu*******25/11/2021Bad drawing experience since version 21.11
MeerI use app all the time in team meetings on an iPad Pro combined with Apple Pencil 2, but now it's totally unusable. This is due to an weird jump to a totally different place on the whiteboard (usually bottom right outside visible area of my screen) whenever I move my hand while drawing. Because of this, using this app is not an option anymore.
1door Swy***15/11/2021Bad experience 21.11
MeerThe drawing experience on iPad with 1st gen apple pencil used to be really great. App could crash unexpectedly, but the drawing experience made up for it. Since release 21.11 the drawing experience is horrible. There is a lag before your ink commits to the canvas and the worst change is that the palm recognition is not working anymore, causing your canvas to jump suddenly.
Hope best of both versions can be combined soon1door Tom****04/11/2021Kan geen afbeeldingen toevoegen
MeerSinds de nieuwe update is het op de iPad onmogelijk om afbeeldingen toe te voegen. Er is simpelweg geen afbeeldingen/images knop. Dit terwijl dat bij de Windows versie wel het geval is. Zo SLECHT DIT!
1door Han*****27/10/2021Werkt niet
MeerNa start op iPad komt het niet meestal niet voorbij het privacy meldingen scherm. Heeft ooit eens goed gewerkt. Daarna nooit weer.
1door Xsa*******13/03/2021Goed concept, slechte uitwerking
MeerIdee is goed maar delen werkt niet. Dat is in Corona tijd de enige reden het te gebruiken. Gemiste kans.
1door Gij*****13/10/2020Constant crashing
MeerCrashes or hangs every 5 minutes or do when working inside of a whiteboard on iPad Pro 2018 12.9”.
Also very spontaneously zooms out and has massive issues zooming back in because of poor performance/low FPS.
My university regularly uses this app, because of the easy integration with Microsoft Teams, but it is barely usable on my iPad. Remote controlling my PC with my iPad is a better option, due to the sheer lack of performance and regular crashing of the app.1door Mr *******13/10/2020Palm rejection issues
Meer- Palm rejection not working
- Large energy use (hot iPad, battery drain)
- Shows wrong names and ‘photo bubbles’ when using shared whiteboards via Teams
- Weird hangs and random crashes
- Missing pencil ‘tap button’ support for switching between pen and eraser
- Copy to OneNote does not show any notebook
- Cannot copy notes to/from OneNote (only as snapshot images, not as pencil strokes/separate objects)
- Cannot crop imported images
- Largest highlighter still to small when writing using ‘default’ pencil thickness at 100% zoom
- Work account login issues (fixed by opening via Teams)
App has so much potential, but has some serious issues2door R83**01/09/2020Cannot login with work or school account
MeerTried using it but couldn’t even get in so wasn’t able to experience the buggy behaviour reported by many others. Great concept, not ready for prime time.
1door Mar*******15/07/2020Does not work
MeerMS Please read the reviews and get this fixed. We need this functionality when working remotely due to COVID. Please play your part and take responsibility. This is ridiculous.
1door Sam*******29/06/2020Tested?
MeerHas the developer even tested this? Can’t login even after several updates. I get this error..
You can't get there from here
You cannot access the resource from this browser on your device. You need to use Safari or Edge.1door Tr1*******16/06/2020It crashes
MeerI’ve tried several times with MS authenticator on my iPad. It does logon but it keeps asking me who I am. Again and again and again. When I open a whiteboard, when I want to invite someone (what doesn’t work after numerous clicking confirming who I am, etc..)
It was oké for a while but then there was a minor update and boom unstable again...
I’m not sure if the problem is Whiteboard or authentication but from a user perspective it is not usable.... to bad I could use it for working from home...1door Sde*****11/06/2020Niet gebruiken. Echt niet doen!
MeerLeuke functionaliteit, maar de app is ongeveer 20 seconden stabiel. Daarna houdt het op. Het heeft me al vele uren verspilde moeite gekost.
Met af een toe een lag van 20-30 seconden tussen schrijven en daarwerkelijk op beeld verschijnen is er geen toelichting meer nodig.
Fijn om online les te geven. Not!
Deze app zou verwijderd moeten worden uit de store!1door Zac*****24/05/2020Crash crash crash
MeerSorry guys of Micro Soft but this is really rubish. It constantly crashes. Fix it please!
1door Jaa***02/04/2020
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