4.5 · 182 beoordelingen
The Blockheads is weer een nieuwe variant van sandboxgames, waar je boten bestuurt, ezeltje rijdt en vooral ook op zoek gaat naar voedsel, slaapplaatsen en onderdag. Je taak is niet alleen de oceanen te verkennen en eindeloos diep te delven, maar ook om je blockheads blij en gezond te houden. In The Blockheads kun je de wereld verkennen met een vriend en zelfs een spraakchat beginnen via Game Center.
LET OP: Downloads verlopen via de App Store, controleer daar altijd de meest actuele prijs, compatibiliteit en andere informatie. Je hebt een actief Apple account nodig om apps te installeren.
"On an iPhone or iPad, the 2-D, side-scrolling block-based sandbox is a winning formula, and The Blockheads is the most well-executed, true-to-Minecraft game I've had the pleasure to experience on iOS." - TouchArcade (5 Stars)
"The Blockheads takes the Minecraft experience and shrinks it down in a way that just works on a touchscreen. There are shades of Lemmings here too, and they blend together to make a sweet game about discovery, exploration, and creation." - Pocket Gamer (Gold Award)
Night is falling and your blockhead is freezing. You haven't yet made shelter and your campfire has gone out. All you have is a spade, some wood and a few sticks. You have only minutes before exhaustion hits. Do you create a bed, dig a cave or refuel your fire? What will you do?
The Blockheads is a huge exploration, creation and survival game where the possibilities are endless!
Play offline in single player, or easily create and join online worlds to play with friends and family, or explore thousands of unique worlds created and hosted by other players.
Start with almost nothing and explore, craft, build and trade your way to steam trains, electric elevators, and even jet packs, titanium swords and carbon fiber armor.
- Explore an infinite number of worlds filled with oceans, caves, deserts, mountains, forests and floating sky islands
- Build massive structures with the materials you find
- Trade with other players in an ever changing global economy
- Battle other blockheads in PVP worlds
- Lay rail and create jumps for speedy rail hand cars or create a rail network for easy transport by train
- Create an array of solar panels to power your oil refinery, and craft carbon fiber and fuel for your jetpack to explore the skies
- With content always being added, The Blockheads is continuously evolving, and there is more to come
Warp your first blockhead through the portal and get exploring now in The Blockheads!
The Blockheads van Majic Jungle Software is een app voor iPhone, iPad en iPod touch met iOS versie 8.0 of hoger, geschikt bevonden voor gebruikers met leeftijden vanaf 12 jaar.
Informatie voor The Blockheadsis het laatst vergeleken op 9 Feb om 19:02.
MeerSoms/Mild animatiegeweld of fictief geweld;
Soms/Mild grof taalgebruik of grove humor;
Soms/Milde volwassen/suggestieve thema’s;
Soms/Milde seksuele content en naaktheid;
Soms/Mild alcohol-, tabaks- of drugsgebruik of referenties ernaar.
1.7.4 is a minor update which fixes an issue where the game would fail to launch if there was no internet connection.