Hard grind
MeerFor new players it takes weeks and months to really get into the game without spending money.
3door Raa*******13/01/2025Leuk spel
MeerHeel leuk spel maar soms als ik dingen koop dan krijg ik ze niet gister heb ik een pakket gekocht van 11,99en ik heb nog steeds niks gekregen en ik heb het nog gemeld en ik zie nog steeds niks
3door Lil****30/12/2024Star Wars, galaxy of your credit card.
MeerHave always loved this game, bought a few light speed bundles, crystals a few times, but this update is too insane for me. It has become such a pay-2-play, not even pay-2-win anymore. The new episodes pass, which is basically a $20 subscription per month is now a part of the previous challenge crates you could do for free. This is generally the main income of omicrons, which upgrade your skills. And that’s not even all. Now you’ll need to have either bought the just released characters to complete challenges and bring them up to max tier/rarity or be lucky and have enough crystals saved up to buy them. Absolute disgrace and a huge middle finger to the player base. This update is the straw that breaks the back. It’s almost as bad as Marvel Strike Force was when I quit. Didn’t look back ever since. Avoid this game until CG updates and removes this pay-2-play BS.
1door Jes*****21/11/2024It’s going downhill
MeerLatest update ruined galactic challenges shoving pay to win so far in your face that it takes all enjoyment out of playing
1door Jag*******20/11/2024Crash
MeerCrasht steeds bij opstarten sinds laatste update. Opnieuw installeren van de app al geprobeerd.
1door Sni****03/10/2024Nice game
MeerIt’s a fun game and yes if you want to have and win everything it can cost a lot but you can play at all levels and it just takes longer. What you spend is all up to you….. game is open to all levels so it keeps it fun for me.
5door Jaa****25/06/2024#gapedbyEA Money money money and they steal gear pieces of you
MeerJust bring money if you want to play this free game. Should not be downloaded anymore so play store and App Store will not support the game anymore. Ultimate Skywalker relic 7 and JKL relic 7 hermit yoda relic 5 jolee bindo relic 3 I should take him with me cause ulti Skywalker dies without doing anything of a relic 2 RES team and tried a lot of other relic 5 characters but none can beat this relic 2 Res team not even my own rEs team which is way higher then relic 2 so you decide if you will grind for nothing. To see your ulti character stand still and lose of relic 2 team. EA committed that the bug of Jedi master Luke skywalker can be solved by reinstall game but this did not work for me and they won’t take any action anymore and will not compensate for a lost time/ loot. No apology while this game is so expensive not works and support of EA is terrible! If you got double drop events and you will use more then 100 energy you still not get one gear piece you need to make characters relic. Game can be compared with cancer. Events do not work like they should. I should be fun doing a journey character but is only frustrating as you can’t complete events with recommended requirements
1door Man*******12/06/2024It’s ok
MeerIt’s a fun game but it’s annoying that every 10 minutes you get a reward, that forces you to play without stopping. Just play Brawl stars and call 06 51 52 57 96
5door Anoniem04/05/2024#gapedbyEA Money money money and they steal gear pieces of you
MeerJust bring money if you want to play this free game. Should not be downloaded anymore so play store and App Store will not support the game anymore. Ultimate Skywalker relic 7 and JKL relic 7 hermit yoda relic 5 jolee bindo relic 3 I should take him with me cause ulti Skywalker dies without doing anything of a relic 2 RES team and tried a lot of other relic 5 characters but none can beat this relic 2 Res team not even my own rEs team which is way higher then relic 2 so you decide if you will grind for nothing. To see your ulti character stand still and lose of relic 2 team. EA committed that the bug of Jedi master Luke skywalker can be solved by reinstall game but this did not work for me and they won’t take any action anymore and will not compensate for a lost time/ loot. No apology while this game is so expensive not works and support of EA is terrible! If you got double drop events and you will use more then 100 energy you still not get one gear piece you need to make characters relic
1door Man*******24/02/2024This is just not so well
MeerCapital Games is a company that you need to stay away from! They just fill the pockets and gone! Just see what they did with LoTR HoME. Refund what you can do in all of they games and boycott them.
1door Jor*****23/02/2024Good game
MeerIt’s a good game because it a has so much different things, but i think that there should be a little more characters like lil ani
If you want to add me: 923-467-1965door Bra*****16/01/2024Cancer game
MeerNothing works just broken like cancer. People on YouTube who suck d ick of EA beat everything and if you play games does something else so dont download it is a scam
1door Anoniem16/12/2023Account
MeerIk startte vandaag de game op en opeens is alles weg waar ik zoveel tijd voor had genomen wat is dit voor onzin, ik heb hier zelfs geld ingestoken en dat is allemaal weg
1door Tre*******28/11/2023Dont like gac the rest is good
MeerGac ranking and scaling is broken..
Besides that i really enjoy this long grinding game4door Hon*******27/08/2023Money money money and they steal gear pieces of you
MeerJust bring money if you want to play this free game. Should not be downloaded anymore so play store and App Store will not support the game anymore. Ultimate Skywalker relic 7 and JKL relic 7 hermit yoda relic 5 jolee bindo relic 3 I should take him with me cause ulti Skywalker dies without doing anything of a relic 2 RES team and tried a lot of other relic 5 characters but none can beat this relic 2 Res team not even my own rEs team which is way higher then relic 2 so you decide if you will grind for nothing. To see your ulti character stand still and lose of relic 2 team. EA committed that the bug of Jedi master Luke skywalker can be solved by reinstall game but this did not work for me and they won’t take any action anymore and will not compensate for a lost time/ loot. No apology while this game is so expensive not works and support of EA is terrible! If you got double drop events and you will use more then 100 energy you still not get one gear piece you need to make characters relic
1door Man*******25/08/2023Garbage
MeerThis game is impossible to actually play, it has so many useless features and upgrades that just make it complex for no reason at all. And the animations are disgusting.
1door Agi****16/08/2023Unbalanced arena
MeerI really enjoy playing this game but I have got 1 problem and it’s that arena is unbalanced I can only fight players that are way higher than my troops and I always lose
3door Wor*******09/06/2023CG killed this game
MeerApparently CG and EA want to kill this game, because game play is virtually non existent.
If you want to grow your characters you need in game materials that you can farm. And since the last two game updates, farming gives about 90% less yield than previous versions, and virtually nothing what you need.
This game has been corrupted by money grabbing … and you mind as well burn your money in the fireplace.
I have raised a complaint a EA, and if this issue is not fixed I will delete this game and will never return to anything EA brings out.
Message to all players: it is time for a revolution, complain, resist, revolt.1door Wil*******12/05/2023
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